We Can’t Put PA First With Pat Toomey’s Puppy or Lobbyist Lou
Tell Bill McSwain & Lobbyist Lou That We Need A Governor Who Will Put PA First Not Pat Toomey.

In 2020, dangerous criminals tried to burn Philadelphia to the ground.
Hundreds of police officers were injured.
People were assaulted.
Stores were looted.
After these heinous actions, Bill McSwain said “it is time to squarely confront any further violence and stop it in its track.”
McSwain promised to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
Four months later, McSwain brought charges to a total of four people.
Bill McSwain promised to bring law and order to Philadelphia. He lied.
How can we possibly trust Bill McSwain to bring law and order to the entire commonwealth if he can’t even bring it to Philadelphia?

Bill McSwain refused to say if he would support President Trump in 2020.
The Philadelphia Inquirer
“Barr said McSwain was more interested in making ‘political statements’ about how the 2020 election was conducted in Pennsylvania than in pursuing actual allegations of fraud.”
“’He wanted to not do the business of the department, which is to investigate cases, but instead go out and flap his gums about what he didn’t like about the election overall,’ Barr said.”
Bill McSwain is probably the only person in America who incapable of finding any cases of election fraud in Philadelphia.

Bill McSwain refused to say if he would support President Trump in 2020.
Bill McSwain said he had “misgivings” about voting for President Trump in 2020.
Bill McSwain was praised by Pat Toomey.
Bill McSwain used to be a Democrat.
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